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Volume 16 (1999)Español Significance of Candida spp. and Aspergillus spp. in fibrobronchoscopic specimens from non-neutropenic patients with pulmonary infiltrates ME Esandi, E Díaz, J Rello
| 1-3
| Innate and adaptive immunity to Candida albicans: A new view of an old paradigm A Mencacci, E Cenci, G Del Sero, C Fè dÅOstiani, C Montagnoli, A Bacci, F Bistoni, L Romani
| 4-7
| Host defense against oropharyngeal and vaginal candidiasis: Site-specific differences PL Fidel Jr.
| Mycological view of dermatophytes in humans MC Rubio, A Rezusta, J Gil Tomás, R Benito Ruesca
| 16-22
| Evidence for the presence of complex carbohydrates in Candida albicans cell wall glycoproteins JL López-Ribot, JP Martínez, C Monteagudo, H Alloush, NV Mattioli, WL Chaffin
| 23-26
| Preliminary characterization and grouping of Candida species by numerical analysis of protein profiles obtained by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis JF Höfling, A Silva Campos, C Vicente Pereira, R Takaki Rosa, E A Ribeiro Rosa
| 27-29
Description of 165 episodes of fungemia: A multicenter study M Sota, C Ezpeleta, R Cisterna et al.
| 30-35
| In vitro antifungal susceptibility of clinical isolates of Cryptococcus neoformans var. neoformans and C. neoformans var. gattii C De Bedout, N Ordóñez, BL Gómez, MC Rodríguez, M Arango, A Restrepo, E Castañeda
| 36-39
| Isolation and characterization of Cryptococcus neoformans var. gattii from samples of Eucalyptus camaldulensis in Mexico city B Argüero Licea, D Garza Garza, V Flores Urbieta, RA Cervantes Olivares
| 40-42
Topical treatment with eberconazole of the experimental guinea pig cutaneous candidosis JM Torres-Rodríguez, N Madrenys-Brunet, L Montsant
| 43-45
| Influence of temperature and pH on the in vitro adherence of Candida albicans MS Biasoli, ME Tosello, H Bottai, C Cuesta, HM Magaró
| 46-49
| Five cases of zygomycosis A del Palacio, MJ Ramos, A Pérez, A Arribi, I Amondarain, S Alonso, MC Ortíz
| 50-56
| Mycetoma caused by Exophiala jeanselmei. Report of a case successfully treated with itraconazole and review of the literature LC Severo, FM Oliveira, G Vettorato, AT Londero
| Commentaries to "A survey of mycotic otitis externa of dogs in Lisbon" JL Blanco, ME García
| 60
Excerpta Medica/EMBASE, Internet and other current topicsof Revista Iberoamericana de Micología G. Quindós, P.A. Ezkurra and J. Bikandi
| 67-68
| Role of liposomal amphotericin B (AmBisome®) in theprophylaxis of mycoses after liver transplantation F Braun & B Ringe
| 69-71
| Candida dubliniensis: An update DJ Sullivan, G Moran, S Donnelly, et al.
| Wood, animals and human beings as reservoirs for humanCryptococcus neoformans infection LF Cabral Passoni
| 77-81
| Antifungal time-kill curves E Cantón and J Pemán
| 82-85
| Antifungal treatment: Recent advances in dermatology A del Palacio, M Garau, D Tena & G Sánchez
| 86-91
| Multicenter evaluation of Neo-Sensitabs, a standardizeddiffusion method for yeast susceptibility testing AJ Carrillo-Muñoz, L Abarca, G Quindós, et al.
| Multicenter survey of in vitro antifungal resistance inyeasts of medical importance isolated from Spanish patients G Quindós, L Abarca, AJ Carrillo-Muñoz, et al.
| 97-100
| Dermatophytes isolated in Hospital Universitario Ñ12 deOctubreÉ (Madrid, Spain) A del Palacio, MS Cuétara, A Valle, et al.
| 101-106
| Effect of immunosuppression on the pathogenesis of respiratoryzygomycosis in rabbits intranasally infected with Absidia corymbifera J Sondhi, PP Gupta & N Sood
| 107-110
| Study of eight cases of coccidioidomycosis in a hospitalof Buenos Aires
AJ Bava, R Negroni, A Arechavala, AM Robles, D Curzio and P Di Gioia
| 111-113
| Phaeohyphomicosis by Wangiella dermatitidis in RepublicArgentine E Méndez, A Nervo, S Colla, et al.
| 114-117
| On the implication of Trichophyton simii in a superficialmycoses outbreak in monkeys J Guarro & AM Stchigel
| 118
The mycetisms and their relevancy in medicine D Ruiz Sánchez, J Tay Zavala, JT Sánchez Vega, H Martínez García
| 121-125
| Respiratory cryptococcosis in HIV positive patients
S Helou, AM Robles, A Arechavala, MI Bianchi, R Negroni
| 126-129
| Apparent mRNA instability in Aspergillus nidulans and Aspergillus terreus of a heterologous cDNA encoding the major capsid antigen of Rotavirus A Villanueva, AP MacCabe, J Buesa, D Ramón
| 130-135
| Characterization of Spanish strains of Verticillium lecanii LV Lopez-Llorca, T Carbonell
| 136-142
| Southernmost record of the fungus Leptolegnia chapmanii (Oomycetes: Saprolegniales) as a mosquito larvae pathogen (Diptera: Culicidae) CC López Lastra, MM Steciow, JJ García
| 143-145
4 | Some considerations about the use of carbon sources in jasmonic acid production G Almeida González, M Klibansky Delgado, B Altuna Seijas, FEng Sánchez, S Legrá Mora, S Armenteros Galarraga
| 146-148
| Effect of inoculation time on the survival of spores of Gliocladium roseum on geranium leaves C Mónaco, H Yu, J Sutton
| 149-151
| Cryptococcosis due to Cryptococcus neoformans var. gattii in Brazilian patients with AIDS. Report of three cases LC Severo, F de Mattos Oliveira, A Thomaz Londero
| 152-154
| Cryptococcal lymphadenitis in a dog B Acosta, P Alvarez, S Deniz, L Rodriguez, F Real,
I Rosario
| 155-157
| Neonatal sepsis by Malassezia furfur A González-Cuevas, J Alayeto, T Juncosa, MT García-Fructuoso, J Moreno, C Latorre
| 158-160
| Scedosporium apiospermum external otitis A del Palacio, M Garau, D Tena, J Sainz , A Arribi, A Carrillo
| 161-163
| Molecular characterization of Cryptococcus neoformans var. gattii causing epidemic outbreaks of criptococcosis in goats JM Torres-Rodríguez, T Baró, Y Morera, C Alía,O Lopez y M Hermoso de Mendoza
| 164-165
| Fusarium peritonitis
in a patient on peritoneal dialysis A García-Tapia, E Aznar, P García-Martos, P Marín,A Márquez, C Lozano, J Mira
| 166-167
Voriconazole, a new wide-spectrum antifungal triazole: Activity in vitro and in vivo Brummer E
| 169-170
| Coelomycetous fungi in human disease. A review: Clinical entities, pathogenesis, identification and therapy Sutton DA
| 171-179
| The role of antifungal susceptibility testing in the management of patients with invasive mycoses Perea S, Patterson TF
| 180-186
Candida dubliniensis and Candida albicans display surface variations consistent with observed intergeneric coaggregation Jabra-Rizk MA, Falkler WA, Jr., Merz WG, Kelley JI, Baqui AAMA, Meiller TF
| 187-193
| In vitro antifungal resistance in Candida albicans from HIV-infected patients with and without oral candidosis Ceballos Salobre-a A, Gait½n Cepeda LA, Orihuela Ca-ada F, Olea Barrionuevo D, Ceballos Garc'a L, Quind-s G
| 194-197
| Amino acid variations of cytochrome P-450 lanosterol 14a-demethylase (CYP51A1) from fluconazole-resistant clinical isolates of Candida albicans Manavathu EK, Kallakuri S, Arganoza MT, V½zquez JA
| 198-203
Serotypes of Candida albicans isolated from HIV positive patients Oliver M, Ibelise de Gonz½lez M, Mendoza M, Bastardo de Albornoz MC
| 204-207
| Correlation between germ tube production, phospholipase activity and serotype distribution in Candida albicans Vidotto V, Yumi Koga-Ito C, Milano R, Fianchino B, Pont-n J
| 208-210
| Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in AIDS Arteaga Hern½ndez E, Grande Argudo E
| 211-215
| Isolation of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis from the nine-banded armadillo Dasypus novemcinctus, in an endemic area for paracoccidioidomycosis in Colombia Corredor GG, Casta-o JH, Peralta LA, D'ez S, Arango M, McEwen J, Restrepo A
| 216-220
| Some deep mycoses diagnosed by histopathology in South Eastern Nigeria Khalil M, Ekanem IA, Gugnani HC, Attah EB
| 221-224
| Onychomycosis due to Malassezia Escobar ML, Carmona-Fonseca J, Santamar'a L
| 225-229
| Contribution to the aeromycological study in the atmosphere of the city of Granada (South of Spain): seasonal and daily variations Sabariego S, D'az de la Guardia C, Alba S½nchez F
| 230-234
| Candidemia and cutaneous lesions in two patients without intravenous drug addiction Arribi A, Mart'nez I, Alvarez P,
Amondara'n I, L-pez S, del Palacio A
| 235-237
| Contamination of peritoneal dialysis fluid by filamentous fungi FebrÚ N, Silva V, Medeiros EAS, Godoy P, Reyes E, Halker E, Fischman O
| 238-239
Dermatomycosis. Current trends
This Simposio was held in IV Congreso Nacional de Micología, Cádiz, 19-21 November 1998 Chairman: Dr. Joaquín Calap Calatayud Editors: Dr. Vicente Crespo Erchiga Dr. Josep M Torres-Rodríguez | This supplement is sponsored by  |
Presentation to the Symposium "Dermatomycosis. Current trends" V Crespo Erchiga
| S2
| On the epidemiology of dermatophytoses in Granada (Andalousia, Spain) V Delgado Florencio,J Abad Romero-Balmas
| S3-S6
| Dermatophytes classification by PCR M Pereiro Jr, A Florez y J Toribio
| S7-S10
| Unusual fungal species causing onychomycosis O López-Jodra y JM Torres-Rodríguez
| S11-S15
| Isolation and identification of Malassezia spp.in pytiriasis versicolor, seborrheic dermatitis and healthy skin V Crespo Erchiga, AOjeda Martos, A Vera Casaño,ACrespo Erchigay FSánchez Fajardo
| S16-S21
| New clinical aspects of dermatomycosis JC Moreno Giménez
| S22-S25
| Current treatment of superficial mycosis JL Sánchez Carazo, L Obón Losada y V Pont Sanjuan
| S26-S30
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