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Volume 22 (2005)
Genes and molecules involved in Aspergillus fumigatus virulence
A Rementeria, N López-Molina, A Ludwig, AB Vivanco, J Bikandi,
J Pontón & J Garaizar
In vitro activities of voriconazole, fluconazole, itraconazole and
amphotericin B against non Candida albicans yeast isolates
D Swinne, M Watelle & N Nolard
Extracellular enzymatic activity and serotype of Cryptococcus
neoformans strains isolated from AIDS patients in Brazil
V Vidotto, M Melhem, S Pukinskas, S Aoki, C Carrara & A Pugliese
Fungal infection of the feet in soccer players and non-athlete individuals
KS Malta Purim, GP Fernandes Bordignon & F de Queiroz-Telles
An ELISA test for the study of the therapeutic evolution of
chromoblastomycosis by Cladophialophora carrionii in the endemic area
of Falcon State, Venezuela
L Oberto-Perdigón, H Romero, M Pérez-Blanco & R Apitz-Castro
Immunohistochemical characterization of the cellular infiltrate in Jorge Lobo's disease
FR Vilani-Moreno, AF Fernandes Belone, C Teixeira Soares & DV Araújo Opromolla
New fungal contaminants of food products in Argentina
RM Comerio, MB Pildain & AI Romero
Tinea capitis in an adult. Case report
D Morán Maese, VM Tarango-Martínez,
LA González Treviño & J Mayorga
Isolation, identification and antifungal susceptibility of lemon pathogenic and non pathogenic fungi
MC Maldonado, RS Runco & A Roberto
Clinical cases in Medical Mycology. Case No. 14
R Negroni, A Arechavala & G López Daneri
Clinical cases in Medical Mycology. Case No. 15
R Negroni, A Arechavala & G López Daneri
Candidemia: Candida parapsilosis en una unidad de Neonatología
Durán E, Ramírez de Ocáriz I, Ventura P, Gil J & Rubio C
Lichens as rapid bioindicators of pollution and habit disturbance in the tropics
Hawksworth DL, Iturriaga T & Crespo A
Point prevalence, microbiology and antifungal susceptibility patterns of oral Candida isolates
colonizing or infecting Mexican HIV/AIDS patients and healthy persons
Sánchez-Vargas LO, Ortiz-López NG, Villar M, Moragues MD, Aguirre JM, Cashat-Cruz M, Lopez-Ribot JL, Gaitán-Cepeda LA & Quindós G
Environmental distribution of Cryptococcus neoformans in the department of Cundinamarca - Colombia
Quintero E, Castañeda E & Ruiz A
Endophytic fungi in rose (Rosa hybrida) in Bogota, Colombia
Salgado Salazar C & Cepero de García MC
Direct fluorescent and indirect immunofluorescent assay in buffy coat
for candidemia diagnosis in pediatric patients: a comparative study
Flores Ruiz EM, Miranda Novales MG, Solórzano Santos F, Sánchez Huerta G & Díaz Ponce H
In vitro susceptibility study of micelial fungal and yeast isolates to itraconazole and voriconazole
Morera López Y, Torres-Rodríguez JM & Jiménez Cabello T
In vitro antifungal activity of voriconazole against dermatophytes and superficial isolates of Scopulariopsis brevicaulis
Carrillo-Muñoz AJ, Cárdenes CD, Carrillo-Orive B, Rodríguez V, Del Valle O, Bou Casals J, Ezkurra PA & Quindós G
Detection of extracellular protease in Mucor species
Alves MH, De Campos-Takaki GM, Okada K, Ferreira Pessoa IH & Ivo Milanez A
Primary cutaneous mucormycosis. Report of a case in a HIV patient
Pérez-Uribe A, Molina de Soschin D, Arenas R & Reyes M
Abdominal zygomycosis in a bitch due to Absidia corymbifera
Denzoin Vulcano L, Fogel F, Tapia MO, Schettino A, Zaror L & Guarro Artigas J
Clinical cases in Medical Mycology: Case No. 16
Negroni R & Tuculet MA
Clinical cases in Medical Mycology: Case No. 17
Negroni R & Santiso G
Pathogenicity of environmental strains of Cryptococcus neoformans var neoformans in murine model
Pal M
María Ebe Reca PhD. (1918/03/26 - 2005/02/02)
Medvedeff MG, Vedoya MC, Mereles BE & Chade ME
In vitro activity of the echinocandins. How it can be evaluated?
FJ Pastor & J Guarro
Histoplasmosis in a Brazilian center: clinical forms and laboratory tests
BCQ Leimann, CV Pizzini, MM Muñiz, PC Albuquerque, PCF Monteiro, RS Reis, R Almeida-Paes, MS Lazéra, B Wanke, MA Perez & RM Zancopé-Oliveira
Importance of the asteroid body presence on the early diagnosis of sporotrichosis
E Gezuele & D Da Rosa
Physiological comportment and in vitro sensitivity of Sporothrix schenckii isolates maintained for 18 years by two preservation methods
M Mendoza, P Alvarado, E Díaz de Torres, L Lucena & MC de Albornoz
Could Candida dubliniensis be involved in lung fungal balls?
A Kalkanci, N Kokturk, E Senol, K Acar, O Guzel, B Sancak, S Kustimur & R Hacendar
Aspergillus fumigatus in nasopharyngeal cavity of horses
N Guida, M Mesplet, E Di Gennaro, P Digilio & EV Moras
Revisiting the epidemiology of onychomycoses
JE Arrese, JC Valverde & GE Pierard
Sparing of the upper axillary area in pityriasis versicolor
SHM Aljabre
Imported and autochthonous histoplasmosis in Italy: new cases and old problems
C Farina, M Rizzi, L Ricci, E Gabbi, S Caligaris & A Goglio
Scytalidium dimidiatum an opportunistic fungus for both man and Mangifera indica trees in Venezuela
C Padin, G Fernández-Zeppenfeldt, F Yegres & N Richard-Yegres
Sexual reproduction in subcultures of Absidia blakesleeana after years of preservation under mineral oil
MJS Santos, SFB Trufem & PC de Oliveira
Clinical cases in Medical Mycology: Case No. 18
R Negroni, G López Daneri & A Arechavala
Clinical cases in Medical Mycology: Case No. 19
R Negroni, G López Daneri, E Maiolo & A Arechavala
Tinea faciei in a goat handler due to Microsporum canis
M Pal & P Dave
Role of Geotrichum candidum in canine oral ulcers
M Pal
Introduction to the special issue of the Revista Iberoamericana de Micología devoted to Fungal Genomes
J Pontón & G Quindós
Recent advances in the genomic analysis of Candida albicans
BB Magee & PT Magee
Aspergillus flavus genomics: gateway to human and animal health, food safety, and crop resistance to diseases
J Yu, TE Cleveland, WC Nierman & JW Bennett
Overview and perspectives on the transcriptome of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis
RV Andrade, SP da Silva, FAG Torres, MJ Poças-Fonseca, I Silva-Pereira, AQ Maranhão, EG Campos, LMP Moraes, RSA Jesuíno, M Pereira, CMA Soares, MEMT Walter, MJA Carvalho, NF Almeida, MM Brígido & MSS Felipe
Lacazia loboi and Rhinosporidiun seeberi: a genomic perspective
L Mendoza, R Vilela, PS Rosa & AF Fernandes Belone
Saccharomyces cerevisiae and other fungal species as determined from genome comparisons
E Herrero
Genomics of Aspergillus fumigatus
CM Ronning, ND Fedorova, P Bowyer, R Coulson & G Goldman, HS Kim, G Turner, JR Wortman, J Yu, MJ Anderson, DW Denning & WC Nierman
Genomics, molecular targets and the discovery of antifungal drugs
FC Odds
Use of genome information for the study of the pathogenesis of fungal infections and the development of diagnostic tools
SP Saville, DP Thomas & JL López-Ribot
The making of the Genoma Music
A Sánchez Sousa, F Baquero & C Nombela
2015@ Revista Iberoamericana de Micología. All rights reserved.