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Volume 28 (2011)
Experimental medical mycological research in Latin America - a 2000-2009 overview
San-Blas G & Burger E
Rapid identification of Histoplasma capsulatum in culture lysates
Ibarra-Camou B, Toranzo AI, Lee W, Davel G, & Canteros CE
Onychomycosis-causing yeasts in four Mexican dermatology centers and their antifungal susceptibility to azolic compounds
Manzano-Gayosso P, Méndez-Tovar LJ, Arenas R, Hernández-Hernández Fm Millán-Chiu, B, Torres-Rodríguez JM, Cortés-González E, Fernández R & López-Martínez R
Comparison between conventional methods, ChromAgar Candida ® and PCR method for the identification of Candida species in clinical isolates
Estrada-Barraza D, Dávalos Martínez A, Flores-Padilla L, Mendoza-De Elias R & Sánchez-Vargas LO
Determination of viability of Phytophthora capsici oospores with the tetrazolium bromide staining test versus a plasmolysis method
Etxeberria A, Mendarte S & Larregla S
Chromomycosis: Report of a case with unusual topography
Muñoz Estrada VF, Valenzuela PazGA & Rochín Tolosa M
Clinical problems in medical mycology: problem number 41
Negroni R, Arechavala A, Maiolo, E, Bianchi M, Santiso G & Lehmann E
Clinical problems in medical mycology: problem number 42
Negroni R, Wallach J, Arechavala, A, Luis Francos J, Messina F, Maiolo E & Walker L
Effect of plant extracts on growth and spore germination of Alternaria solani (E. & M.) J. & G. under in vitro conditions
Pupo Blanco YG, Kalombo Bicayi D, Herrera Isla L, Malheiros de Mendonca DI & Vargas Batis B
Huitlacoche (corn smut), caused by the phytopathogenic fungus Ustilago maydis, as a functional food
Juárez-Montiel M, Ruiloba de León S, Chávez-Camarillo G, Hernandez-Rodriguez C & Villa-Tanaca L.
Fungal bloodstream infections in tertiary care hospitals in Colombia
Cortés JA, Reyes P, Gómez C, Buitrago G, Leal AL, on behalf of GREBO
Yeasts isolation from bovine mammary glands under different mastitis status in the Mexican High Plateu
Segundo Zaragoza C, Cervantes Olivares RA, Ducoing Watty AE, de la Peña Moctezuma A & Villa Tanaca L
Thermal inactivation of Phytophthora capsici oospores
Etxeberria A, Mendarte S & Larregla S
Changes in the epidemiology of fungaemia and fluconazole susceptibility of blood isolates during the last 10 years in Spain: results from the FUNGEMYCA study
Pemán J, Cantón E, Camarena Miñana JJ, Alcoba Florez J, Echeverria J, Navarro Ortega D, Martínez Alarcón J, Fontanals D, Gomila Sard B, Buendía Moreno B,
Torroba L, Ayats J, Bratos Pérez MA, Álvarez Fernández M, Sánchez Reus F, Fernández Natal I, Royo García G, Ezpeleta G, Martín-Mazuelos E, Iglesias I, Rezusta A, Ramírez de Ocariz I & Gómez Nieto A
In vitro antifungal susceptibility pattern and ergosterol content in clinical yeast strains
Gomez-Lopez A, Buitrago MJ, Rodriguez-Tudela JL & Cuenca-Estrella M
Allergic fungal rhinosinusitis caused by Curvularia sp
Alvarez VC, Guelfand L, Pidone JC, Soloaga R, Ontivero P, Margari A & López Daneri G
Naildex score and onychomycosis
Wiwanitkit V
Invasive fungal diseases in solid organ transplant recipients
Quindós G & Montejo M
Candidiasis, aspergillosis and other invasive mycoses in recipients of solid organ transplants
Quindós G
Epidemiology of invasive fungal infection in solid organ transplant
Montejo M
Invasive candidiasis in liver transplant recipients: Early rescue antifungal treatment
Pozo-Laderasa JC & Pontes-Moreno A
Aspergillus tracheobronchitis in a lung transplant recipient
García-Gallo CL, García-Fadul C, Rosalía Laporta-Hernández R & Ussetti-Gil P
Cardiac invasive aspergillosis in a heart transplant recipient
Eworo A, Muñoz P, Yáñez JF, Palomo J, Guembe P, Roda J, Valerio M, Guinea J & Bouza E
Scedosporium apiospermum disseminated infection in a single lung transplant recipient
Solé A
Nematophagous fungi used for the biological control of gastrointestinal nematodes in livestock and administration routes
Sagüésa MF, Purslow P, Fernández S, Fuséa L, Iglesias L & Saumella C
Search for new naturally occurring strains of Pleurotus to improve yields. Pleurotus albidus as a novel proposed species for mushroom production
Lechnera BE & Albertó E
Determination of the therapeutic activity of caspofungin compared with the amphotericin B in an animal experimental model of histoplasmosis in hamster (Mesocrisetus auratus)
Finquelievich J, Landaburu MF, Pinoni V & Iovannitti CA
Fungal growth in culture media simulating an extreme environment
álvarez-Pérez S, Blanco JL, Alba P & García ME
Isolation and characterization of two strains of Fusarium oxysporum causing potato dry rot in Solanum tuberosum in Colombia
García Bayona L, Grajales A, Cárdenas ME, Sierra R, Lozano G, Fernando Garavito M, Cepero de García MC, Bernala A, Jiménez P & Silvia RestrepoS
Plant extracts to control Alternaria alternata in Murcott tangor fruits
Costa Carvalho DD, Alves E, Barbosa Camargos R, Ferreira Oliveira D, Soares Scolforo JR, Antônio de Carvalho D & Sâmia Batista TR
Extracellular phospholipase activity of Malassezia strains isolated from individuals with and without dermatological disease
Pini G & Faggi E
Antifungal prophylaxis in HIV-seropositive liver transplant recipients
Pozo Laderas JC
Photodynamic therapy for onychomycosis. Case report and review of the literature
Aspiroz C, Fortuñ:o Cebamanos B, Rezusta A, Paz-Cristóbal P, Domínguez-Luzón F, Gené Díaz J & Gilaberte Y
Imported histoplasmosis in Navarra: Presentation of four cases
Ana Navascués, Irene Rodríguez, Jesús Repáraz, Soledad Salvo, Alberto Gil-Setas A & Martínez Peñ:uela JM
Isolation of Beauveria bassiana in a bronchoalveolar lavage specimen from a patient with bladder cancer
García Lozano T, Aznar Oroval E, Pérez Ballestero P & Lorente Alegre P
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