Invasive candidiasis in the critically ill non-neutropenic patient
A García de Lorenzo y Mateos
Importance of invasive candidiasis in critical non neutropenic patients
JC Montejo & A del Palacio
Traditional microbiological diagnosis for invasive candidiasis in critical non-neutropenic patients
MS Cuétara, A Alhambra & A del Palacio
Clinical spectrum of invasive candidiasis in critically ill non-neutropenic patients
M Sánchez García
Epidemiology of candidemia in ICU
B Galván & F Mariscal
Ophthalmoscopic examination in critically ill nonneutropenic patients: Candida endophthalmitis
E Pérez Blázquez
Microbiological non-culture methods for the diagnosis of invasive candidiasis: usefulness of surrogate markers
J Pontón
Molecular biology in the diagnosis of deep-seated candidiasis in the critically ill non-neutropenic patient
MF Colom, A Jover & C Ferrer
Risk factors in invasive candidiasis: stratification
A del Palacio, A Alhambra & MS Cuétara
Prevention of invasive candidiasis in the critically ill non neutropenic patient
JC Montejo, M Catalán & A del Palacio
Management strategies: prophylaxis, empirical and pre-emptive treatment and treatment of established invasive candidiasis in the critically ill non-neutropenic patient
A del Palacio, A Alhambra y MS Cuétara
Systemic antifungals. Pharmacodynamia and pharmacokinetics
M Catalán & JC Montejo
Antibodies to Candida albicans germ tubes in two intensive care patients with invasive candidiasis
JR Iruretagoyena, P Regúlez, G Quindós & J Pontón
Invasive fungal infections in critically ill patients: Different therapeutic options and a uniform strategy
R Zaragoza & J Pemán
Nomenclatural amendments in the mycotoxicology field
LR González Osnaya, A Isabel Catalá Gregori, JM Soriano
del Castillo, JC Moltó Cortés & J Mañes Vinues
Kefir: A symbiotic yeast-bacteria community with alleged healthy capabilities
F Lopitz-Otsoa, A Rementeria, N Elguezabal & J Garaizar
Ajoene the main active compound of garlic (Allium sativum): a new antifungal agent
E Ledezma & R Apitz-Castro
Detection of Candida dubliniensis in patients with candidosis in the metropolitan area of Caracas, Venezuela
A Brito Gamboa, M Mendoza, A Fernández & E Díaz
Nosocomial infection due to Trichosporon asahii: Clinical revision of 22 cases
G da Silva Rodrigues, R Rosa Ubatuba de Faria, L da Silva Guazzelli, F de Mattos Oliveira & LC Severo
Detection and kinetic characterization of Candida tropicalis contamination during fodder yeast production
R García Gutiérrez, MA Otero Rambla, A Martínez Sánchez, G Saura Lauria & L Casalot
A case of pulmonary aspergillosis with lack of response to caspofungin
R Rüchel, C Perske, B Glaß & J Bäsecke
Profile of antifungal susceptibility of species of Candida isolated from hemocultures in a University Hospital, Maracaibo, Venezuela
NM Arcaya, LM Mesa, MR Pineda, H Beltrán-Luengo & BM Calvo
Esterase activity of Candida species isolated from immunocompromised hosts
CP Kumar, T Menon, T Sundararajan, S Nalini, MA Thirunarayan, S Rajasekaran S & K Venkatadesikalu
Endophthalmitis by Aspergillus fumigatus after retina detachment
M Fajardo Olivares, B Fernández de Arévalo & Y Marañón Prat
Cutaneous alternariosis in a liver transplant recipient
R Vieira, J Veloso, A Afonso & A Rodrigues
Conservation of Malassezia strains in blotting paper
L Ramos, S Ramadán, C López, L Bulacio & S Mellado
First record of Montagnea arenaria (D.C.) Zeller (Agaricales) in Chile
H Madrid & M Muñoz
Clinical cases in Medical Mycology: Case No.20
R Negroni, A Arechavala & E Maiolo
Clinical cases in Medical Mycology: Case No.21
R Negroni, G López Daneri, AM Robles, A Arechavala, MH Bianchi & G Santiso
Trends in Mycology: An overview of the one day meeting, Braga,
Portugal, 23rd September 2005
RRM Paterson & N Lima
Pandora's mycological box: Molecular sequences vs. morphology in
understanding fungal relationships and biodiversity
DL Hawksworth
Multilocus sequence analysis of Penicillium and Eupenicillium species
SW Peterson
Fungi in bottled water: A case study of a production plant
A Ribeiro, AP Machado, Z Kozakiewicz, M Ryan, B Luke, AG Buddie, A
Venâncio, N Lima & J Kelley
PCR-RFLP of ITS rDNA for the rapid identification of Penicillium subgenus Biverticillium species
J Dupont, B Dennetière, C Jacquet & MF Roquebert
Penicillium glabrum cork colonising isolates – preliminary analysis of their genomic similarity
MC Basílio, R Gaspar, C Silva Pereira & MV San Romão
A practical approach for identification based on mycotoxin characters of Penicillium
RRM Paterson, A Venâncio & N Lima
Pigment chemistry, taxonomy and phylogeny of the Hypoxyloideae (Xylariaceae)
M Stadler & J Fournier
Application of classification-tree models to characterize the mycobiota
of grapes on the basis of origin
R Serra, A Lourenço, O Belo & A Venâncio
Efficacy of plant extracts against stored products fungi
A Magro, M Carolino, M Bastos & A Mexia
Marine fungi from Mira river salt marsh in Portugal
M Barata
Ambrosia fungi in the insect-fungi symbiosis in relation to cork oak decline
J Henriques, ML Inácio & E Sousa
New and simple test plating for screening relative transfructosylation activity of fungi
A Dominguez, IM Santos, JA Teixeira & N Lima
Notes on a plant parasite fungus in Portugal: Gymnosporangium cornutum
MC Lopes & VC Martins
FISH and Calcofluor staining techniques to detect in situ filamentous
fungal biofilms in water
AB Gonçalves, IM Santos, RRM Paterson & N Lima
Prevalence of fungal infections detected from biopsies and autopsies in the past 11 years at the University Hospital Joan XXIII in Tarragona, Spain
JF García-Fontgivell & E Mayayo Artal
Diagnostic potential of (1?3)-ß-D-glucan and anti-Candida albicans germ tube antibodies for the diagnosis and therapeutic monitoring of invasive candidiasis in neutropenic adult patients
C Pazos, MD Moragues, G Quindós, J Pontón & A del Palacio
Extracellular enzymatic activities in Cryptococcus neoformans strains isolated from AIDS patients in different countries
V Vidotto, S Ito-Kuwa, K Nakamura, S Aoki, M Melhem, K Fukushima & E Bollo
Changes in the elastase activity and colonization ability of Aspergillus fumigatus after successive inoculations in mice
ME García, J Caballero, I Blanco, M Cruzado, E Costas & JL Blanco
Selection and implantation of yeast strains of genus Saccharomyces at a winery regulated by Appellation Contrôlée “Chacolí de Vizcaya/Bizkaiko Txakolina”
A Rementeria, JA Rodríguez, E Calvo, R Amenabar, JR Muguruza, AB Vivanco, J Garaizar & MJ Sevilla
Canine mycotic stomatitis due to Candida albicans
VJ Jadhav & M Pal
Isolation of Issatchenkia occidentalis from the esophagus of a leukemic patient
IH Sahand, M-D Moragues, A Alhambra, A del Palacio, G Quindós & J Pontón
Canine lymphadenitis caused by Cryptococcus neoformans. First case in Chile
P Thomson, G Miranda & V Silva
Bilateral proximal cellulitis and onychomycosis in both big toes due to Fusarium solani
JM Torres-Rodríguez & M Sellart-Altisent
Endobronchitis by Scedosporium apiospermum in a child with cystic fibrosis
O Vázquez-Tsuji, T Campos Rivera, A Rondán Zárate & M Mirabal García
Clinical cases in Medical Mycology: Case No. 22
L Calanni, G Schmidt, R Negroni, A Arechavala & G Santiso
Clinical cases in Medical Mycology: Case No. nº 23
A Fulgenzi, R Negroni, E Maiolo, A Arechavala, G Santiso & MH Bianchi
II Forum de la Sección de Micología Médica (AEM)
Micosis emergentes.
Utilidad Práctica de las pruebas de sensibilidad in vitro a los antifúngicos. |